Hyperbolic Tessellations Exploration

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Objective: Find examples of hyperbolic tessellations.

There are two good applets on the web for drawing hyperbolic tessellations:

Play with both applets.

  1. In the HyperbolicApplet, the white lines are the tessellation. What are the blue lines?
  2. In the PoincareApplet, what are and ?

The Schläfli symbol for a regular tessellation is written , where is the number of sides on each face and is the number of faces coming together at a vertex.

  1. Use an applet to draw the tessellation. What are the corner angles of the triangles? What is the defect of each triangle?
  2. Use an applet to draw the tessellation. What is the Schläfli symbol of its dual?
  3. When the polygon has three sides (), what values of allow a tessellation to be drawn? What about with ? 5? 6?

Other things to try:

  • Look at Santiago el Grande, by Salvador Dalí. What is the background?
  • Experiment with the hyperbolic symmetry group in Kaliedotile. On the View menu, choose Symmetries and see if you can determine which choices give hyperbolic tessellations.

Handin: A sheet with answers to all questions.