Rozette Pattern Project

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Objective: Create several rozette patterns that show the reflectional and rotational symmetries.


Create some interesting rozette patterns by choosing a technique of your choice. Some suggestions include:

Snowflake patterns

There are several sites online that will show you how to make snowflake patterns:

Using Kali

You can use Kali to create a rozette pattern. If you choose to use the computer program, I would expect the pattern to be well thought out and in multiple colors. The program can be found online at Kali Online (requires Java). For full credit you should NOT do both rozettes using Kali.

Hands-on designs

You can try to draw a rozette pattern by hand. You could try to find an interesting image online and then create an art project by copying it and either creating a detailed pen and ink drawing, or make a painting out of it.


Use adhesive foam, linoleum or a potato to create a stamp. If the design has a corner measuring 90 degrees you will be able to create a 4 fold rotational symmetry, if the corner measures 60 degrees you can create a rozette with 6 fold symmetry, etc.

Your assignment

  1. Create at least two interesting rozettes. You can (and probably should) use multiple techniques.
  2. Write a short paper explaining how you made your rozette patterns, and identifying the symmetry group for each. Which symmetry groups were easier to create: the cyclic or the dihedral groups?


The projects are 5% of your grade. I will assign 50 points to the project. The grading rubric is as follows:


  • 25 points: Quality of the artwork. I will look at the overall attention you paid to the project: Did you pay attention to the details? Does it really look like a rozette? If you used the computer, does it look interesting and did you use color? If you made a snowflake, is it accurate? etc.


  • 5 points: Did you correctly identify the symmetry group in the paper.
  • 10 points: Did you describe how you designed and chose your rozettes? What worked well? Were there any ideas you pursued but had to abandon? If so, what were they and what made you abandon them?
  • 10 points: Did you discuss which ones were easier to create: the cyclic or the dihedral groups? Where some techniques easier to use in creating some of the rozettes?