Symmetry of Stars and Polygons Exploration
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Objective: Learn about reflectional and rotational symmetry of simple figures
- Printed copy of the Symmetry of Stars and Polygons Exploration.
- Here are two of the mirror lines for a square. Find the other 2.
- Find all the mirror lines for the regular pentagon (5-gon), the regular hexagon (6-gon) and the star below.
- Draw the mirror lines for an equilateral triangle, and for a regular 8-gon (stop sign shape). How many mirror lines do you think there are in a regular 7-gon? In a 10-gon? Give a formula for the number of mirror lines in a regular polygon with sides.
- There are plenty of shapes that do not have reflectional symmetry. Draw some.

- What are the order of rotation and the angle of rotation for the following shapes?
- Draw a shape which has rotation symmetry but no reflection symmetry.

Handin: A sheet with answers to all questions.